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#SR300 Surface Roughness Tester - Exact Industrial Supply

#SR300 Surface Roughness Tester

Item #: MV7021000
Manufacturer: Starrett
Mfg #: 21000

Technical Specifications:
•Battery: Li-Poly Rechargeable •Brand Name: Starrett •Evaluation Length In: .01 - .48" (0.25-17.5mm) •Measuring Range: 200µm, 100µm, 10µm •Model Number: SR300 •Profile Resolution: 100nm. 20nm, 10nm •Traversing Length L: 17.5mm •Weight: 1.1 lb

•Uses Li-Poly rechargeable batteries •Filter: 2CR/Gaussian (Gaussian on SR160) •Operates in 41-104° F (5-40°C), 0-80% non-condensing humidity •Able to calibrate to ISO 4287 standards •SR300 and SR400 have USB Type A •Skidded measurement type •Full line of accessories are available

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 4.0000

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